Joyce Watkins, who is my mentor and friend, continues to encourage. Joyce also demonstrated her confidence by allowing me to use Risque in my breeding program. Risque’ took me in the direction in which I wanted to travel, to put the angelic baby doll face and exquisite head type, and not ever to forget that look at me attitude. I find it so important to be consistent with your breeding program. To not get off the paved road you worked so hard to build stone by stone and to remember to be consistent with producing both overall balance and proportion along with outstanding conformation, ink black pigment and ice white coats. Risque’ has stamped his genes all over my foundation. He has currently sired 97 champions with too many special wins to count. I must mention a couple of credits due to Risque’s progeny, with a Risque’ son, Ch. Marcris Risque’ Omen, winning Best of Breed at Westminster. This was a very exciting day in my life. A Risque’ grandson, Angels Vision For Khanthav, won Best of Breed at Crufts this year. He is loved, owned, and handled by Sharon & Jeffrey Rainey of Ireland. Congratulations to you guys for a job well done! This is the worlds largest dog show and had entries of 74 Maltese.
A very special thank you to Risque’ and Joyce.
Love, Bonnie
  Joyce Risque’
  Risque’ as a pup. Risque’ Best in Show
  Risque’ at National Specialty – Best Puppy Risque’ in Alabama
 Ch. Marcris Risque’ Omen
 Angels Vision For Khanthav